"I think Karl Rove is getting a little worried. Like today he said the biggest problem facing Americans -- prison rape." --Jay Leno
He talked about politics, too.
”I know Dick Cheney's Secret Service guys smoke pot,” Chong said. “The reason I know that is I sold them bongs.”
He insinuated that President Bush was on methamphetamines.
”The dangerous thing about tweakers is they can take things apart but they can't put them back together again,” Chong said. “That's what George Bush has done to this country.”
Chong described when law enforcement officials raided his home as part of Operation Pipe Dreams.
”When they raided my home they asked me, 'Do you have any drugs in here?'” Chong said. “Of course I do.”
Sources close to the White House said Monday that Fox anchor Tony Snow is likely to accept the job as White House press secretary, succeeding Scott McClellan.
The sources said they expect him to announce his decision within the next few days.
Although President George W. Bush was scheduled to meet with fellows at the Hoover Institution on Friday, the presence of more than 1,000 protestors forced him to change his plans and meet with advisers and faculty members at the residence of former Secretary of State and Hoover Fellow George Shultz on the outskirts of the Stanford campus.
For the second straight day, 39% of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the lowest level of approval ever measured by Rasmussen Reports.Nothing new here other than how this poll shows bubble boy much worse than 39%. And who are the 16% of Democrats who still approve of this clown? I know who they are. I met of few of them in South Texas while visiting family. Good Democrats but not very well informed.
Sixty percent (60%) disapprove of Bush's job performance, including 44% who Strongly Disapprove.
The President earns approval from 49% of entrepreneurs, 70% of Republicans, 16% of Democrats, and 26% of those not affiliated with either major political party
Seaman, on the other, seems to be the man for whom the term "furniture" to describe inept lawmakers was coined. He pocketed $35,000 from DeLay's TRMPAC and its parent organization ARMPAC in his 2002 race. He took an additional $80,000 from other DeLay-linked sources, including Houston megadonor Bob Perry, the indicted Texas Association of Business, and Texans for Lawsuit Reform.You wouldn't suppose Seaman would cut and run?
And then he voted in lock step for every extremist idea to come down the pike. Redistricting? Why not! Cut half-a-million kids off CHIP? You bet! Double college tuition rates? Of course! The single biggest tax hike in Texas history? Who cares!
When I heard that George Dubya had plans,
To attack and launch nukes at Iran,
I wasn't surprised.
I'd already surmised
That George Bush is a very sick man.
Greeted with loud boos and some cheers, Vice President Dick Cheney threw out the ceremonial first pitch Tuesday at the Washington Nationals’ home opener.You have got to see this video.
He looked me squarely in the eyes and shook his head sadly at the fate of us nonbelievers. "When faced with the truth, the truth hurts. It is human nature not to face that," he said. "People hate the messenger. That's why they killed Christ."Truly pathetic.
And now, DeLay says he prayed long and hard before God made clear to him that He no longer wants DeLay to represent Texas's 22nd Congressional District. Instead, DeLay says, his God wants him to be a messenger -- on a much broader scale. And we will see DeLay constantly smiling as he delivers his message because in his heart he knows that we hopeless sinners will always hate the messenger.
Somebody find them a church.Lampson's Press release: "Tom DeLay's campaign sent out an email asking supporters to disrupt Nick Lampson's press conference this morning. At that event, a 69 year old woman says she was assaulted by one of the DeLay thugs who showed up to disrupt the event. The woman, Marsha Rovai, of Richmond has asked the Lampson campaign to help see if any of the televisions stations caught this incident on tape so she can consider filing an assault charge. Several of the women at the event complained that they were pushed and shoved by male DeLay supporters.
Email: "We would meet tomorrow morning at 9:45 am on the first floor of the parking garage attached to the Marriott. Please get folks to call our campaign office 281.XXX-XXXX and let us know they can do it-or e-mail Leonard Cash (in the cc field above) so that we can get some head count. Let's give Lampson a parting shot that wrecks his press conference."
After about three minutes, the crowd began to grow. Lampson was suddenly surrounded by about 30 sign-waving protesters, some shouting and one blasting an air horn. Protesters flanked Lampson on either side and stood close behind him, shouting and chanting.Crazy crazy wingnuts!
Lampson supporters jostled for position, making their own signs visible. Lampson continued with his press conference, but the noise was so loud reporters were forced to stand face to face with the Democratic candidate to hear.
“You ask Tom DeLay’s people to do the right thing,” Lampson said, pointing a thumb at protesters shouting behind his head, “and this is what their answer is. It’s time the people of this district had a real congressman.”
Asked if Perry has any legal obligation to call a special election, Lampson replied, “Why do people need a legal obligation to do what’s right?”
He later said he believes Perry is under no legal obligation. However, he bristled at the suggestion the 22nd District could go without a congressional representative for half a year.
Lampson’s supports sported tea bags hanging from their shirt pockets, symbolizing the American Revolution slogan “no taxation without representation.”
Tempers flared as Lampson supporters tried to quiet the protesters. Arguments broke out, some minor pushing and shoving ensued and at least one woman was grazed in the head by a sign wielded by a DeLay supporter.
Marsha Rovai, 70, of Richmond, said one of the protesters hit her and another man shoved a sign in her face. She said that when she pushed the sign away, the man pulled her hat down over her face.
(On Thursday afternoon, Lampson’s campaign released a statement saying Rovai has asked the campaign to “help see if any of the television stations caught this incident on tape so she can consider filing an assault charge.”)
The press conference broke up, but heated arguments gained in intensity.
Sugar Land Police officers were called to the scene, but did not intercede. Officers in five or six cruisers stayed at a distance and watched the exchange, which subsided after 15 or 20 minutes.
DeLay campaign manager Chris Homan acknowledged organizing the protesters. - Fort bend Now
One Republican signing on is Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), who famously helped coin the term "Freedom Fries" after France declined to support U.S. war efforts in Iraq. Since then, he has become a critic of the handling of Iraq and has sought greater discussion of the challenges and strategies for winning in the war.Ron Paul is a stand up guy with a real down to earth staff. I got that warm fuzzy feeling when we visited his D.C. office last week.
Three other members have also agreed to sign -- Rep. Wayne Gilcrest (R-MD), Rep. Jim Leach (R-IA) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), a libertarian maverick. - Raw Story
Mayor Wallace credits several local politicians with helping to line up the funding, including DeLay and state Representative Charlie Howard, a Sugar Land Republican. "Tom and I are basically a tag team," Howard explains. "He tries to get money for the state. I try to get it to Fort Bend County."I consider the tag team dead and Howard not much of a threat. Also did I mention Howard was also Texas Monthly's Worst Legislator 1999 and 1997. Being the worst and tied to the hip of Tom DeLay...Now that progress!
DeLay was actively involved with the energy center plans. "He's active in anything that goes on in our county," Howard says.
I haven't seen anything but the headlines yet. But I think the story here is clear. Prosecutors knocking down one pin at a time. Paul Kiel and I were talking about this before I left the office early this evening: Rudy, to Buckham, to DeLay. They're each going to down. And the road map was clear -- though largely implicit -- in the Rudy plea documents.Update: Lampson Release:
DeLay's lawyers must have sat him down over the last 72 hours and explained to him that he needs to focus on not spending most of the rest of his life in prison.
More soon.
"From day one I have been running because this district needs a Congressman who will make headlines for the right reasons and work for the mainstream values I share with the people of this district... No matter who I face in the general election, I am going to fight hard and I am going to win in November."Good as time as any to donate $$ to his campaign.
Chris Bell, who is running for Governor of Texas, deserves some credit for this. He filed an ethics complaint against Delay in 2004, and received a great deal of ire from fellow members. The complaint led to Delay's admonishment, which helped in his downfall. Individual members can make a difference.Update: Per Evan, Tom Campbell and David Wallace both say that they will be running in the special election. He also has a list of possible repacements.
BOR does what I don't have time for here. Quorum Report is throwing Sugar Land Mayor, David Wallace, as a prospective favorite. Where is Tom Campbell in all this?Rep. Tom DeLay, whose iron hold on the House Republicans melted as a lobbying corruption scandal engulfed the Capitol, told TIME that he will not seek reelection and will leave Congress within months. Taking defiant swipes at "the left" and the press, he said he feels "liberated" and vowed to pursue an aggressive speaking and organizing campaign aimed at promoting foster care, Republican candidates and a closer connection between religion and government.
"I'm going to announce tomorrow that I'm not running for reelection and that I'm going to leave Congress," DeLay, who turns 59 on Saturday, said during a 90-minute interview on Monday. "I'm very much at peace with it." He notified President Bush in the afternoon. DeLay and his wife, Christine, said they had been prepared to fight, but that he decided last Wednesday, after months of prayer and contemplation, to spare his suburban Houston district the mudfest to come. "This had become a referendum on me," he said. "So it's better for me to step aside and let it be a referendum on ideas, Republican values and what's important for this district."
read on...
IMAGINE a world where wars are fought over the internet; where TV broadcasts and newspaper reports are designed by the military to confuse the population; and where a foreign armed power can shut down your computer, phone, radio or TV at will.
In 2006, we are just about to enter such a world. This is the age of information warfare, and details of how this new military doctrine will affect everyone on the planet are contained in a report, entitled The Information Operations Roadmap, commissioned and approved by US secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld and seen by the Sunday Herald.
Federal prosecutors investigating the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal have obtained a road map to the workings of the Republican-controlled House: 1,000 internal e-mails from the office of Rep. Tom DeLay during his time as majority leader. The e-mails were turned over quietly by DeLay late last year as part of an unpublicized effort by the embattled Texas congressman to show he would cooperate with prosecutors. "We didn't hold anything back," says Richard Cullen, DeLay's lawyer, who tells NEWSWEEK the e-mails date to at least 1998 and involve all aspects of the probe. He says the e-mails weren't subpoenaed but were offered as a "Christmas present." Still, it's unclear if thee-mails will clear or help implicate DeLay.