yeah, America sure thinks so...scary not the decider.
If President Bush persists with his planned troop increase in Iraq, as all signs indicate, he will do so against a strong tide of U.S. public opinion, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows. Democratic leaders in Congress, with support from some Republicans, are pressing for votes on nonbinding resolutions signaling opposition to the president’s policy.
If Congress approves that resolution, the poll shows, 65% of Americans say the president shouldn’t move ahead with his plan. (Some 30% say go ahead.) The poll of 1,007 adults, conducted Jan 17-20, has an error margin of 3.1 percentage points.
The result signals that Mr. Bush made little headway with Americans in his recent speech to the nation outlining his new policy. Mr. Bush will have another opportunity for persuasion in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night.