Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
DeLay: It's still a good book
The funniest shit I've seen all week. No doubt. We know here at TSB that the Bugman is a habitual liar...but geez...does this guy not even know what is in his own friggin' crappy book. A thumbs up for Tweety after a sickening suck up to Bush yesterday.
Bad news for Edwards?
I hope not? John Aravosis is speculating possible bad news coming from John Edwards due to a a mysterious press conference with his wife Thursday at noon. Is he out of the race or is it just a press conference with his wife?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Conyers, Sanchez to seek subpoenas of five White House, Justice chiefs
and so it begins...

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) and Subcommittee Chairwoman Linda Sanchez called a meeting to authorize subpoenas for five current and former White House and Justice Department officials this morning, RAW STORY has learned.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hillary in H-town Saturday - Whoopee
Word is Hillary will be in H-town Saturday for a town hall style gathering. It's open to the public...but at this time I would rather cut my lawn. Best of luck to all the organizers though.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Failed Attorney General
Just like his boss...a miserable failure.
During the hearing on his nomination as attorney general, Alberto Gonzales said he understood the difference between the job he held - President Bush's in-house lawyer - and the job he wanted, which was to represent all Americans as their chief law enforcement officer and a key defender of the Constitution. Two years later, it is obvious Mr. Gonzales does not have a clue about the difference.Meanwhile, Schumer tells him to pull a Speedy Gonzalez and get the hell out of dodge.
He has never stopped being consigliere to Mr. Bush’s imperial presidency. If anyone, outside Mr. Bush's rapidly shrinking circle of enablers, still had doubts about that, the events of last week should have erased them.
First, there was Mr. Gonzales's lame op-ed article in USA Today trying to defend the obviously politically motivated firing of eight United States attorneys, which he dismissed as an "overblown personnel matter." Then his inspector general exposed the way the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been abusing yet another unnecessary new power that Mr. Gonzales helped wring out of the Republican-dominated Congress in the name of fighting terrorism.
The F.B.I. has been using powers it obtained under the Patriot Act to get financial, business and telephone records of Americans by issuing tens of thousands of "national security letters," a euphemism for warrants that are issued without any judicial review or avenue of appeal. The administration said that, as with many powers it has arrogated since the 9/11 attacks, this radical change was essential to fast and nimble antiterrorism efforts, and it promised to police the use of the letters carefully. More
Monday, March 05, 2007
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