Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Return the dirty money

Dearest Tom,

In December, you refused to return donations from several of convicted Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham's (R-CA) named co-conspirators. Now it seems the Washington, DC lobbyist you have referred to as one of your "closest friends" is pleading guilty to corruption charges. That lobbyist is obviously Jack Abramoff who footed the bill as you accompanied him on two exotic golf trips. MSNBC reports that you have received $57,000 from Jack Abramoff and his associates. This is in addition to the more than $30,000 that Congressman Cunningham's co-conspirators have donated to you or your political action committees. According to the Galveston Daily News your staff said they would start looking for local charities to give Abramoff's money to -- but that's not nearly good enough. You should return all the money from everyone involved in Capitol Hill corruption. To return the donation of one crook and keep the donations of several others is not a good faith effort to make right with the voters of this district. I encourage you to do the right thing and return the funds you have received from both the Cunningham co-conspirators and Jack Abramoff.

Southeast Texans are increasingly embarrassed by your association with these criminals. It is imperative that you send the right message to your constituents, and return this money, which is reportedly in excess of $80,000. A failure to do so would exhibit an unthinkable impropriety for a sitting Member of Congress.

I look forward to hearing that you have done the right thing and returned these donations.

Signed by:
Truth Serum

Sign the petition.

Per the Lampson campaign, DeLay's staff said they would start looking for local charities to return $15,000 of the Abramoff money to.

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