Monday, October 01, 2007

Right Wingers vote for who they love

Right wing bloggers voted for their favorite people on the right.

Without further ado, here are the right-of-center bloggers' favorite people on the right with the number of votes beside of each selection:

Honorable Mentions: Larry Elder – 4, Mary Katherine Ham – 4, Brit Hume – 4, Bill O’Reilly – 4, Jeff Sessions – 4, Robert Spencer – 4, John Stossel – 4, Walter Williams – 4

21) Tom Tancredo – 5
21) Condi Rice – 5
21) Charles Krauthammer – 5
21) Hugh Hewitt – 5
21) John Bolton – 5
20) Sean Hannity – 6
20) Jim DeMint – 6
16) Judge Antonin Scalia – 7
16) Jonah Goldberg – 7
16) Tom Coburn – 7
16) Glenn Beck – 7
13) Glenn Reynolds -- 8
13) Duncan Hunter – 8
13) Neal Boortz – 8
10) Victor David Hanson – 9
10) Laura Ingraham – 9
10) Dick Cheney – 9
9) Rudy Giuliani – 10
8) George W. Bush – 11
6) Fred Thompson – 13
6) Thomas Sowell – 13
5) Newt Gingrich – 14
4) Mark Steyn – 17
2) Michelle Malkin – 19
2) Ann Coulter – 19
1) Rush Limbaugh – 28

Rush Limbaugh - "The religious left in this country hates and despises the God of Christianity and Catholicism"

Michelle Malkin - "American journalists should be thankful that my rightwing cronies and I don’t get our way. Because if it was up to us, those ungrateful tratiors would all be dead, in jail or awaiting execution like the journalists in Egypt and India and Lebanon."

Mark Steyn - "You know, basically, if you want to find an exit strategy for Iraq, then pretty soon, you're going be — have to be finding an exit strategy for a lot of other places because those jihadists, they're not like the gooks in Vietnam."

Feels like Halloween doesn't it? Hat tip to Liberal Values.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be joking. For every wacko, intolerant, hateful (in or out of context) quote from a right wing commentator you give me I can give you ten from left wing wackozoids.

You can't be this simple-minded:

Democrats = Good
Republicans = Bad.

That's some real nuanced liberal thinking there, I tell ya.