Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Houston superdelegate defects from Clinton
Democratic superdelegate and state Rep. Senfronia Thompson, of Houston, defected from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign on Wednesday and joined a growing list of superdelegates to endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president, his campaign said.
"I'm honored to have earned the support of Representative Thompson and am pleased that she'll play an important role in advancing our grassroots movement for change in Houston and across Texas," Obama said in a statement. "Throughout her three decades in the Legislature, she's been a tireless advocate for working families and when I'm president we'll work together to put the American dream within reach of every child in Texas and across our country."
Thompson, one of the longest-serving Democrats in the state House, is one of the party insiders who, as a superdelegate, help choose the Democratic nominee at the national convention this summer in Denver.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Clinton Texas campaign press no show
Since the arrival of the competing presidential campaigns, I have had a difficult time getting a hold of the Clinton campaign's Texas press contact, Adrienne. It's rather difficult to include the Clinton campaign in stories when we cannot connect. For example...
-- A February 8th email to establish first contact went unreturned.
-- A call and voicemail message on February 13th regarding office openings went unreturned.
This morning, I called for a response on the House Democratic Caucus leaders taking issue with Clinton's comments about Texas not being in her "electoral calculation" in November. Adrienne responded with, "Oh, Lord," and said she would call back once she found out more about the dust-up, and I never heard from her again.
I called again this afternoon to try to connect, but got a voicemail greeting.
I hear anecdotally from my press corps brethren that I'm not the only one having problems with this. So I'm starting the unofficial "Clinton Texas Campaign Response Time Tracker", to track future attempts at making contact and the time it takes to hear back. Time is obviously pretty important to journalists, since our deadlines are often "right now".
I'm not going to go out of my way to call the campaign just for the sake of it. Instead, we will continue only reaching out to the campaign about legitimate questions in which we're seeking a response, and we'll track the response time with each attempt.
So the clock on a response to today's question started at 10:45am. It's now 11:10pm, so it has now been 12 hours, 25 minutes...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Big swing for Obama in Texas
In a Democratic Primary in Texas today, 02/25/08, 8 days till votes are counted, Barack Obama moves ever-so-slightly ahead of Hillary Clinton, though at the edge of the margin of sampling error, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted for KTRK-TV Houston, KTVT-TV Dallas and KRLD-AM radio Dallas. Today, it’s Obama 49%, Clinton 45%. Compared to a SurveyUSA tracking poll released one week ago, Obama is up 4 points, Clinton is down 5 points. Complete results here.Yes the sky is falling and light is coming through...on a woman Keith Olberman said wrote her own obituary this week. I don't know but we'll see.
Chris Dodd to endorse Barack Obama
Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Chris Dodd will endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president at a Cleveland campaign event today, the Associated Press reported.
The endorsement provides a public boost for Obama over rival Sen. Hillary Clinton heading in to the March 4 nominating contests, although it’s unlikely the Connecticut senator’s endorsement will resonate decisively among voters in either of the high-stakes primaries in Texas or Ohio.

Silly Season in Texas
In the CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Monday, 50 percent of likely Democratic primary voters said Obama is their choice for the party's nominee, while 46 percent backed Clinton.Hillary off gone off the deep end. Watch or read any media outlet for proof. Which Hillary will show up tomorrow. Funny thing is, her followers have followed her in her silly "kumbaya" tactics here in Texas. It's really all they have left and I really sorry for them. I can't wait to see and hear what they will come up with next.
But taking into account the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for Democratic respondents, the race is a virtual tie.
Clinton had a statistically insignificant 50 percent to 48 percent edge over Obama in last Monday's CNN/ORC poll in Texas.
"The 2-point gain for Obama and the 4-point drop for Clinton are both within the poll's sampling error, so although the survey appears to indicate some movement toward Obama, we cannot say for certain that he has gained any ground since last week," said CNN polling director Keating Holland.
It really is the silly season.

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hillary mocks Obama and majority of Democrats
Ok, I saw this today and wondered if she has just lost it. Why would she mock not just her democratic rival but every single one of his supporters. This is truly an example of why TSB made it's decision not to support Hillary Clinton. If she was to win the Democratic nomination, and she won't, but if she was, she would need every last one of the Obama supporters. Truly a classy move by the Hillary camp.
See how majority support Barack Obama.
Texas is extremely tight.
Update: More Hot Air
Texas Congressman Al Green at Obama Headquarters Grand Opening
Today was the official grand opening of the Fort Bend County Obama For President Headquarters. You may HAVE noticed that Truth Serum Blog is throwing all it's support to the Barack Obama campaign.
Vote early Democrats!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Debate over: Viva Obama
Debates done (slight edge to Obama). It was a draw at best and tomorrow it's back to campaigning. March 4 is a long way away. Texas is now a statistical tie and it's now all about getting people to get out and vote and to caucus.
Thanks to www.AmigosdeObama for the video and Texas Kaos for the find.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Clinton campaign sets up official website dedicated to changing the delegate rules
FACT: Florida and Michigan should count, both in the interest of fundamental fairness and honoring the spirit of the Democrats' 50-state strategy.Website claims Hillary won Michigan "on an equal footing" despite fact that Obama wasn't on Ballot. Silly isn't it.
An important part of the debate over delegates is the role of Florida and Michigan. Hillary Clinton believes that the voices of 600,000 Michigan primary voters and 1.75 million Florida primary voters should be heard at the Democratic convention.
rules are rules...
If anything do a fickin' do over...
Obama Houston Speech - Wow!
Why he will win!!! I have great pics from the event that I will post soon. Wow!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Survey USA: Texas - Obama within 5 points...and rising?
Depending on Hispanic Turnout, Clinton is Either Slightly Ahead, or Not so Slightly Ahead, in Texas Democratic Primary: In a Democratic Primary in Texas today, 02/18/08, 15 days to the vote, Hillary Clinton leads Barack Obama 50% to 45%, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KTRK-TV Houston, KTVT-TV Dallas, and KRLD-AM radio Dallas. BUT: there is "give" in these numbers that must be mentioned in the same breath. Among Hispanic voters, Clinton leads 2:1. SurveyUSA estimates that Hispanics make-up 32% of Democratic primary voters in a Primary today. If Hispanics vote in larger numbers, Clinton's lead is larger than the 5 points shown here. If Hispanics vote in smaller numbers, Obama runs stronger than these numbers show. Among white voters, Clinton leads by 12. Among black voters, Obama leads by 57. Race Gap is 69 points. Among males, Obama leads by 20. Among females, Clinton leads by 27. Gender Gap is 47 points. Among registered Democrats, Clinton up 14. Among Independents, Obama up 28. Among voters under age 50, Obama by 6. Among Voters 50+, Clinton by 17. Age Gap is 23 points. Clinton ahead in South Texas and West Texas. Obama and Clinton within the margin of sampling error in North Texas, East Texas, and Central Texas.Expect more cheap shots from camp Billary.

Monday, February 18, 2008
Mexican American Democrats endorse Barack Obama and Rick Noriega
The Mexican American Democrats believe that Senator Obama’s experience bringing Americans of all ages, religions, races and ethnicities together make him the best candidate to make progress on the issues that matter to Hispanics in Texas and across America. Obama’s leadership in the U.S. Senate on comprehensive immigration reform and his specific plans to strengthen our schools, bring about universal healthcare, and provide tax relief for working families show us that he is truly committed to improving the lives of Hispanics and all Americans.
"At the Presidential level, the Mexican American Democrats hereby announce their overwhelming support for Senator Barack Obama. Senator Obama stated “My commitment to a humane and sensible immigration system is unparalleled…we want to bring the undocumented out of hiding and put them on a path of earned citizenship.” This position and his commitment to issues that matter to the Hispanic community won Senator Obama the endorsement of the Mexican American Democrats in Texas."
The Texas Senate race endorsement was won by Rick Noriega, as his experience and qualifications overwhelmingly overshadowed those of his opponents. “When we think about electing a Senator who will make decisions about the war in Iraq, we want someone who knows what it is to serve in the military,” said Steve Salazar, Chairman of the Mexican American Democrats." Sam Graham-Felsen
Todays Presidential polls
General Election:
McCain vs. Clinton Rasmussen (Mon) McCain 49, Clinton 42, Und 9 McCain +7
General Election:
McCain vs. Obama Rasmussen (Mon) McCain 43, Obama 46, Und 11 Obama +3
Republican Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking
McCain 52, Huckabee 27, Paul 8 McCain +25
Democratic Presidential Nomination Rasmussen Tracking
Obama 47, Clinton 43 Obama +4
Clinton: Texas we have a problem
From Huffington Post this morning:
Texas System Worries Clinton Camp (2/18): "Supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton are worried that convoluted delegate rules in Texas could water down the impact of strong support for her among Hispanic voters there, creating a new obstacle for her in the must-win presidential primary contest," the Washington Post reports.
Several top Clinton strategists and fundraisers became alarmed after learning of the state's unusual provisions during a closed-door strategy meeting this month, according to one person who attended.
What Clinton aides discovered is that in certain targeted districts, such as Democratic state Sen. Juan Hinojosa's heavily Hispanic Senate district in the Rio Grande Valley, Clinton could win an overwhelming majority of votes but gain only a small edge in delegates. At the same time, a win in the more urban districts in Dallas and Houston -- where Sen. Barack Obama expects to receive significant support -- could yield three or four times as many delegates.
"What it means is, she could win the popular vote and still lose the race for delegates," Hinojosa said yesterday. "This system does not necessarily represent the opinions of the population, and that is a serious problem."
The disparity in delegate distribution is just one of the unusual aspects of Texas's complex system for apportioning delegates. The scheme has been in use for two decades but is coming under increased scrutiny because the March 4 presidential contest is the first in years that gives the state a potentially decisive voice in choosing the party's nominee.
As ABC's Jake Tapper notes, Texas bloggers are mocking the Clinton campaign for only just realizing these rules, which have been in place for some time. Here's TX blogger Publius:
Good lord, let's see if I have this right. The Clinton campaign decides to cede every post-Super Tuesday state to Obama under the theory that Texas and Ohio will be strong firewalls. After - after - implementing this Rudy-esque strategy, they 'discovered' that the archaic Texas rules will almost certainly result in a split delegate count (at best).
While they were busy 'discovering' the rules, however, the Obama campaign had people on the ground in Texas explaining the system, organizing precincts, and making Powerpoints. I know because I went to one of these meetings a week ago. I should have invited Mark Penn I suppose. (ed. Maybe foresight is an obsolete macrotrend.)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Volunteer, organize for Obama in Fort Bend Texas

As I'm now a Precinct Captain for the Obama Campaign, I'll post some of the organization meetings for Fort Bend County.
Tuesday, Feb. 19 6pm - Caucus Informational Session
Wednesday, Feb 20 6pm Precinct Captain Training
Thursday, Feb 21 6pm Mock Caucus,Caucus Informational Session
Wednesday, Feb 22 10am Precinct Captain Training
Thursday, Feb 21 7pm Informational Session
Or just stop by anytime at our local Obama field office:
13100 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Hours: Mon-Sun 9am-9pm
Great crowds at the meetings, awesome mix of people...young, old and of every race. A true representation of Fort Bend. And WOW the energy! Fun times ahead.
Signs on the way!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Fort Bend - Obama Precinct Captain Training (Meeting)

Please join Obama for America staff and local supporters for official precinct captain trainings.
JOIN US and learn how you'll build a network of support for Barack Obama in your local community.
Bring your energy and enthusiasm this Saturday as we mobilize Texas for Obama.
NOTE: We also will have training sessions on Sunday, February 17 at 7 PM and Wednesday, February 20 at 6 PM.
Event Name: Fort Bend - Precinct Captain Training
Time: Sunday, February 17 at 3:00 PM - 2 hours
Host: Camilla Kao
Fort Bend Field Office (Sugar Land, TX )
13100 Southwest Fwy
Room E
Sugar Land, TX 77478
View Map:
* Google Maps
Directions:Located in the former Mazda building, the field office resides on the southbound feeder of US-59. Driving southbound on US-59, exit at Corporate Dr/Stafford/Sugar Land/US-90-ALT. Driving northbound on US-59, exit at Kirkwood and turn around beneath the freeway. After driving past Corporate Drive, turn right at the sign of "Test Masters."
Barack Obama in Houston Tuesday
Thanks so much for signing up to join Barack Obama in Houston on
Tuesday, February 19th.
Here are the details:
'Stand for Change' Rally with Barack Obama
Toyota Center
1510 Polk Street
Houston, TX
Doors Open: 6:00 p.m.
For security reasons, do not bring bags. No signs or banners
fred villarreal
sugar land, TX 77478
Can't wait to see you there!
Obama for America
Update: Ooops. You can RSVP here.
Houston Chronicle endorses Obama
"For Obama"
The presidency of the United States is a powerful bully pulpit. The occupant of the White House must not only issue orders, but also inspire and advocate for all Americans.
Of the two finalists for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Chronicle believes Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois is best-qualified by life experience, skill and temperament to be the standard bearer for his party. In a conference call, Obama told the Chronicle editorial board that "more than any other candidate, I can bridge some of the partisan as well as racial and religious divides that have developed in this country that prevent us from getting things done."
Those who have viewed the numerous campaign debates know there's not much to separate Obama from his opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. Either could ably represent the Democratic Party. Both candidates favor ending the war in Iraq by withdrawing combat troops and initiating regional negotiations to stabilize the country. Both would press for dramatic strides toward providing all Americans with health insurance.
Both support a cap and trade system to begin reducing America's carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. Each promises to initiate multibillion-dollar efforts to promote conversion of the economy to clean energy technologies. They favor securing our borders, initiating comprehensive immigration reform and creating a path to earned legal status for those already here who are working and contributing to their communities.
However, there is a decisive difference. Obama vows to reach out to independents and Republicans with a message of inclusion and cooperation. He offers a historic opportunity to elevate national political dialogue to a higher ground. Those who insist on vitriol and obstructionism would be marginalized.
On several issues vital to Houstonians, Obama's positions need elaboration. He recognizes the need to maintain U.S. pre-eminence in space but said he wanted to study the costs and benefits of human space exploration — an exercise that should convince him of the space program's long history of indispensable contributions.
Obama said he did not expect the leaders of the energy sector to vote for him. He needs to realize that the energy sector must be a large part of a cooperative effort to develop alternative fuels and avoid an energy crunch.
The 46-year-old Obama has expanded his base of support, winning new legions of supporters. The more people see and hear him, the more they like him. As the Hawaiian-born son of a Muslim Kenyan father and an Anglo Midwesterner, the devoutly Christian Obama transcends race and religion. His life has been one of involvement with disadvantaged Chicago residents, excellence at Harvard Law School and eight years as an Illinois state senator. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, only the third African-American to serve there since Reconstruction.
Obama is both the epitome of the American Dream and well-positioned to reach out to an international community alienated by recent U.S. go-it-alone policies.
The passion and excitement that Obama has brought to the race can only stimulate more citizens to participate in the electoral process. The Chronicle urges Texas Democrats to cast what could be decisive ballots for his presidential nomination.
Keep him away from the button
Even his Republican Senate colleagues are not spared his sharp tongue.
''F--- you,'' he shouted at Texas Sen. John Cornyn last year.
''Only an a------ would put together a budget like this,'' he told the former Budget Committee chairman, Sen. Pete Domenici, in 1999.
''I'm calling you a f------ jerk!'' he once retorted to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
SEIU Expected to Endorse Obama Friday
The Service Employees International Union, one of the most politically active unions, is expected to announce a national endorsement for him, according to people familiar with the matter. The move would give him organizational support in Ohio and Texas in March.More Mo for O.
SEIU President Andy Stern and the executive board of the 1.9 million member union met via conference call Thursday evening and union officials were voting following the meeting electronically and by fax, according to union officials. A spokeswoman for SEIU couldn’t be reached to comment Thursday night.
Some of the divisions within the union have come down to geography, with SEIU officials in Illinois backing Obama, and those in New York supporting Hillary Clinton, for example. Many others inside the union had supported former North Carolina senator John Edwards, who dropped out of the race prior to the Feb. 5 Super Tuesday primaries.I believe this makes an Edwards endorsement of Hillary that much more unlikely.
Obama has been slowly catching up to Clinton when it comes to union endorsements. He scored the 1.3 million member United Food and Commercial Workers union earlier on Thursday. In early January, he also received the backing of Unite Here. The UFCW, Unite Here and SEIU all belong to the Change to Win Federation of unions that broke away from the AFL-CIO in 2005.
Get your ticket to the Presidential Debate in Austin
Democrats across Texas are excited by the upcoming historic debate between Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton. At a time when so many people have lost faith in our government thanks to the failed Republican policies of the Bush administration, our two outstanding candidates are ready to provide the change that Texas and America desperately need.
While seating at the debate is limited, the TDP has secured 100 debate tickets, which will be made available to the general public through a random drawing. The tickets will be evenly distributed between supporters of Senator Clinton and Senator Obama, with a number of tickets going to undecided voters.
In order to be eligible for tickets, you must be a registered voter in the State of Texas. Names may be submitted for the drawing until 5pm on Monday, February 18th, and the winners will be notified the next morning. To enter your name in the drawing, please use the form below.
Don't forget that you can be part of the debate excitement at the TDP Debate Watch Party, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. on Thursday at the Hyatt Regency Austin. Senator Obama and Senator Clinton have both been invited. You can learn more and purchase your ticket here.
Friends and relatives who do not have access to email may enter by calling the TDP at (512) 478-9800. Please only submit one entry per person. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified.

Get your free Texans For Obama bumper sticker
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
BOR endorses Obama!
Our next President must demonstrate the leadership to show Americans and the world that YES WE CAN believe in the best of each and every one of us. Senator Barack Obama is that leader, he will make that change possible, and he is the candidate we endorse for the next President of the United States of America.They then later explain that Yes We Can win Texas. Great work!
The first thing that should be understood is that while Senator Clinton does have strong support in the Latino community, Latinos will not decide the Texas primary alone. In order for Senator Clinton to win in Texas, she will need a dramatic majority in the South Texas Senate Districts in order to actually gain a delegate advantage in that region -- and doing that is harder than it looks.