Raw Story Reports:
In response to Republican efforts to reduce federal funding for children’s public television programs such as Sesame Street and Arthur, Sen. Lautenberg (D-.N.J), a grandfather of ten children, sent a message to his Republican colleagues; “Pick on somebody your own size.”
Yesterday during a hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Labor/HHS/and Education, Republicans approved a measure that would drastically cut federal funding for all public broadcasting beginning next year.
“Elmo and other PBS characters are now on the right wing’s “Most Wanted” List,” said Lautenberg. “Instead of focusing on our nation’s pressing problems, they are picking on children. It’s unconscionable.”
I've heard of the GOP getting PBS a little more fair and balanced and getting the liberal media balanced out, but I never heard of us detesting Sesame Street.
Ah, it's those notorious gay lovers, Bert and Ernie, who are the Sesame Street targets. They are the culprits! They rank right up there with SpongeBob Squarepants and TinkyWink the Teletubbie in the nefarious Queer Agenda. At least that's what folks like James Dobson seem to think. Maybe they should focus on their own families.
Dobson spends so much of his time focusing on everyone else's families, maybe he should just focus on his own and leave the rest of us alone.
How many are in his family? Is he married? Does he have kids? Do you even know if he has a family to focus on? Maybe he's focusing on his family by focusing on families as a whole?
Didn't think think about that, did you?
Wake up.
Dobson's definition of family is far too narrow to serve anyone but himself. If you think you're awake, sir, I suggest you reset your alarm clock. Mine went off about five years ago.
RV, anyone who wants to know about Dobson's family can simply go to Google and type in "James Dobson bio". Not that I really care about his family, I did the Google search for you, and I found that his wife's name is Shirley, and that he has two grown children, Danae and Ryan.
You say "Maybe he's focusing on his family by focusing on families as a whole?"
Now why on earth would he want to do that? Maybe because he has... an AGENDA? And maybe it's an exclusive one? Is it one that you want to part of?
Didn't think about that, did you?
Wake up.
Lol, you make no sense. You stalk someone's family on Google? You're ridiculous.
You were the one asking the questions RV, as if you really wanted to know. So seeing as how you may not be someone who is inclined to do research, I was simply helping you out.
You seem to not answer my questions, by the way, unless you think that by saying I make no sense, that I'm a stalker, that I'm ridiculous, or that I'm asleep... you are giving answers.
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