Thursday, October 04, 2007

Texas Blogs discuss SCHIP veto

President Bush today vetoed an important and widely supported bi-partisan expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) ( H.R. 976).

takes a look at what the blogs of the Texas Progressive Alliance are saying about this terrible move:

Adam at Three Wise Men writes: Bush uses veto pen to strike health care for kids

Blue 19th takes Randy Neugebauer to task for being willing to send billions to Iraq, but not to help children at home.

Blue 19th has uncovered a transcript of a secret press conference featuring the President, the Governor, and Rep. Randy Neugebauer. Put your sensibilities on hold and enjoy.

In examining President Bush's veto of the SCHIP reauthorization and expansion, Vince at Capitol Annex notes that this is one of the President's worst actions in office and also points us to statements on the veto from a pair of Texas Legislators: Mike Villarreal (D-San Antonio) and Ellen Cohen (D-Houston).

Muse interrupts her outrage at Bush's SCHIP veto to send him a Bible verse, remind him that his approval numbers are half of the percentage of Americans who approve of the legislation and wonder if next up is clubbing baby seals and drowning kittens

Eye On Williamson calls Bush and Rep. John Carter on their votes against children, for private insurance corporations and urges the people to get involved, Bush Vetoes Childrens Health Care & John Carter Is Right By His Side.

Matt Glazer of Burnt Orange Report notes that the non-partisan Center for Public Policy Priorities urges Texans to encourage Senator Cornyn and the 18 Texas Congressmen who voted against it to change their votes to override the veto. Matt also suggests that Bush, Perry, Cornyn, and McCaul hate children and encourages us to show our outrage at a rally for kids health

Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff notes that Bush is acting ashamed of this veto and explores the numbers needed for an override.


mike volpe said...

All you liberals are the same. You are all emotion and no logic. I found a letter to the editor from a liberal just like you in my local Chicago paper.

"" She was for it before she was against it. My representative, Judy Biggert (R-Ill.), was one of 16 U.S. House Republicans, including Illinois' Mark Kirk, who originally supported the Senate version of the bipartisan children's health care (SCHIP) bill recently passed by Congress. The compromise hammered out in the House closely mirrors the Senate version, but Ms. Biggert voted against it. She was quoted as saying, "It would push Americans one step closer to socialized medicine."

This despite support from 72 percent of all Americans, according to a recent poll, the health insurance industry, the AARP, the American Medical Association, governors from both parties and many children's health advocates.

What happened? The "socialized medicine" tag is a fallacious argument. The SCHIP bill is a state block grant program that protects our children while still being served through private health care providers.

If this measure takes us down the slippery slide toward socialism, what then of our other "socialized" programs? Would she then recommend we abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Administration services, police and fire protection, libraries or our public schools? Can't these public programs and institutions be better served through the private marketplace?

Fortunately I, and most voters in DuPage County, will not have to take advantage of this health care package for our 10 million uninsured or underinsured children. Most of us already have private health care plans funded through our employers, unlike her own "socialized" government-funded plan.

Regardless of the negative "socialized" tag, isn't this program that was originally enacted by Republicans in our children's best interests? I strongly implore Biggert to change her vote when President Bush's veto sends it back to the House. We owe it to our children.""

Of course, this person has no children that would need this program, nor does her entire region. Yet, they want their Rep, who represents the interests of the voters of the district, to vote for it anyway.

This is the sort of ridiculous, illogical, totally emotional and yet effective arguements that come from your side of the aisle.

Here is how I saw it.

Fred said...

Can you say it one more time..."socialized medicine"? Ooooohhh scary. Happy Halloween!