Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? More
I know, it's a crappy online poll, but the fact that they have it at all is fascinating and 87% say hell yeah!

Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? More
I know, it's a crappy online poll, but the fact that they have it at all is fascinating and 87% say hell yeah!
Congress' standoff over immigration legislation flared into emotional rhetoric Wednesday over a House proposal to make English the nation's official language. A Hispanic lawmaker said that was "code for official discrimination."You gotta love the GOP sponsor's response:
Rep. Ruben Hinojosa, D-Texas, lashed out at Republicans during a House hearing on the proposal, saying the effort was designed by the House majority to "derail comprehensive immigration reform and fan the flames of anti-immigrant sentiment before the election."
Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., said without an organized, official language, "we are all going to descend into chaos."
The officer, who had broad experience in the Middle East while at the CIA, noted that NATO and European countries, including England, have made clear that they are either unwilling or extremely reluctant to participate in an international force. Given other nations' lack of commitment, any “robust” force—between 10,000 and 30,000 troops, according to estimates being discussed in the media—would by definition require major U.S. participation. According to the former official, Israel and the United States are currently discussing a large American role in exactly such a “multinational” deployment, and some top administration officials, along with senior civilians at the Pentagon, are receptive to the idea.
The uniformed military, however, is ardently opposed to sending American soldiers to the region, according to my source. “They are saying 'What the fuck?'” he told me. “Most of our combat-ready divisions are in Iraq or Afghanistan, or on their way, or coming back. The generals don't like it because we're already way overstretched.”
"The hammer likes how Israel kicks ass. They are also more like us except they dont have a bunch of whiny ass Liberals to deal with on a daily basis."Ok, hop on plane with your hero, grab a gun and go at it.
"As much as I don’t care for Mr. Delay on another level, I like him immensely for this. Good job, Mr. Delay."
"It is refreshing, someone out of office, speaking his mind. He doesn’t have to worry about votes so he doesn’t have to cater to anyone."
"I’m happy to hear Delay’s support for Israel. I do not doubt his commitment."
"Oh– and thank you Tom DeLay."
Publicly, his stance is different. The Hammer, who faces trial in Texas, has implied that he will campaign hard if Democrats win their legal battle to keep the Texas GOP from replacing his name on the November ballot.On another District 22 note, can someone please tell this poor soul to keep his money in his pocket book? His chances are slim even if DeLay is out of the picture. Come on now, give the people back their bling bling because they (the repugs) want their hot tub.
His chances of winning have improved as sympathy for him has grown even among Republican voters in his district who had developed "DeLay fatigue" after 21 years of his service in Congress.
Friends say Mr. DeLay will make a run only if his party concludes it was necessary to keep Texas 22nd congressional district from going to a Democrat in November.
"As for Bush himself, he is curtailing his traditional August working vacation at the ranch so that he can barnstorm before the midterm elections," writes Allen for Time.And why is he on vacation everytime there is some sort of crisis?
The political committee Tom DeLay set up to fund a national political takeover for the GOP has agreed to shut down and pay a fine for campaign finance violations.
In a settlement with the Federal Election Commission, the Americans for a Republican Majority political action committee admitted to violating complex federal election rules and will pay a $115,000 fine, officials said Thursday.
President Bush's job-approval ratings have changed little from June, according to a recent Harris Interactive poll.
Of 1,002 U.S. adults surveyed in a telephone poll, 34% said Mr. Bush is doing an "excellent or pretty good" job as president, up a tick from 33% in June. By comparison, 65% of Americans said Mr. Bush is doing an "only fair or poor" job, down from 67% last month.
With midterm elections less than four months away, the poll also asked respondents whether they would choose a Democratic or Republican candidate "if the election for Congress were held today." Forty-four percent of those surveyed said they would vote for the Democratic candidate, up from 41% in April, while 31% said they would vote for the Republican candidate, down from 37% in April.
Although many in the religious right are passionately opposed to embryonic stem cell research, most Americans support it, and Bush risks alienating that majority in the critical midterm year.
This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," Bush said at a White House event where he was surrounded by 18 families who "adopted" frozen embryos not used by other couples, and then used those leftover embryos to have children.
"Each of these children was still adopted while still an embryo and has been blessed with a chance to grow, to grow up in a loving family. These boys and girls are not spare parts," he said.
In his book, "Conservative Without Conscience," John Dean employs his distinctive knowledge and understanding of Washington politics to examine the conservative radical Republican leaders - from Capitol Hill to Pennsylvania Avenue to K Street and beyond. The author not only highlights specific right-wing-driven GOP policies but also probes the conservative mind-set, identifying recurring qualities such as the unbridled viciousness toward those daring to disagree with them, as well as the big business favoritism that costs taxpayers billions. Dean identifies specific examples of how court packing is seeking to form a judiciary that is activist by its very nature, how religious piety is producing politics run amok, and how concealed indifference to the founding principles of liberty and equality is pushing America further and further from its constitutional foundations. To not give away the details, this is a perfect book for those who want to know what's happening at the top levels of the Republican Party. The author presents his text to show what the current right-wing authoritarian is thinking when conflated with the dominating personalities of the conservative leadership that could take the United States toward its own version of fascism. This is a MUST READ book for those who want to learn more about the United States Republican Party and its effect to our society. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!
I am a proud member of the Democratic Party, and I believe it is our party’s responsibility to support the will of the Democratic primary voters in Connecticut. I personally look forward to supporting the candidate CT voters elect as the Democratic nominee. Though, as an aside, I must say I find it ironic that Senator Lieberman is now planning a potential run as an independent after he continually questioned my loyalty to the Democratic Party during the 2004 presidential primary.Unlike others...(cough) Biden.
AUSTIN An appeals court has agreed to speed a case to determine if former Congressman Tom DeLay must remain on the fall election ballot.Isn't this fun?
The case will be submitted to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on July 31st.
Reality Check: DeLay reportedly spent more than $400,000 on legal expenses in the first quarter of this year, and has another near-$1 million in still-unpaid lawyer bills. And that’s before the heavy-duty legal fees he’ll rack up after the Travis County conspiracy and money laundering case against him goes to trial.
Not to mention the Jack Abramoff investigation. Speaking of which, not only is that case likely, at best, to spawn more legal bills for DeLay, but the House ethics committee indicated that if DeLay hadn’t resigned, they would have investigated him over related allegations.
He can’t afford to campaign for Congress anymore.
I think there is a good chance this opinion is upheld on appeal. If so, Republicans appear to have two choices:Advantage Lampson!
(1) DeLay may run for office again (then potentially resign [if he wins], allowing the governor to call a special election to name a replacement), a step DeLay is considering;
(2) DeLay withdraws, and Republicans support a write-in candidate. My quick look at the Texas write in rules make this look like a possible strategy, but there may be wrinkles I don't see at first glance. Even though the district is a Republican one, it will be hard for Republicans to mount a successful write-in campaign, especially if legal proceedings drag out for a while before the party unites behind a write-in candidate and explains to voters how to cast a write-in ballot.
Could Tom DeLay be headed back to the House? A source close to the ex-Congressman tells TIME that DeLay is planning an aggressive campaign to retake the House seat he quit in June if an appeals court lets stand a ruling by a federal judge last week that his name must stay on November's ballot--even though he has moved to Virginia. "If it isn't overturned, Katy bar the door!" says a G.O.P. official. "Guess he'll have to fire up the engines on the campaign and let 'er rip." DeLay, awaiting trial for money laundering, never intended to fade away. He plans to give paid speeches and has signed a deal to have his bio penned by best-selling author Stephen Mansfield. But to run, DeLay would have to raise money fast: his campaign fund has well under $1 million left. At least he knows his would-be opponent well: ex-Congressman Nick Lampson's original district was eliminated in a redistricting engineered by DeLay.
A parked car bomb exploded at a popular outdoor market Saturday in a Shiite slum in Baghdad, killing at least 66 people and wounding dozens, authorities said. It was the bloodiest attack to hit Iraq since the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The blast, which occurred around 10 a.m. when the Sadr City market was packed with shoppers, destroyed the stalls where food and clothes are peddled and sent up a plume of gray smoke. Flames shot out the windows of several scorched cars.