Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oil Execs Get Their Way, Again

Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, should be burned in effigy for his actions yesterday at the joint hearings to question oil execs for making a mockery of the senate joint hearings process and us as voters and constituents. As I watched CSPAN last night, I saw certain committee members call for the oil execs to give an oath. The Chairman immediately, in a childlike way, yelled out to committee members that the oil execs would not be allowed to give an oath and Senator questioning would be limited to only five minutes. So much for accountability.

This is another example of a right wing conservative oil grubbing scum looking out for their own interests and definitely not looking out for the hard working middle class. This free pass sends messages that these type of elected officials are not looking out for us, and that the little guys should not have a voice. Just like Bush failing to make Libby accountable for his actions, this republican chairman threw the accountability viewpoint out the window.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a capitalist, but when millions of Americans are donating for the needs of hurricane victims and meanwhile suffering at the pumps, it strikes me that these oil execs are not donating some of their profits to keep prices low and stable. Where is their american loyalty?

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