Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Thugs, politics and Elvis

Jaunita tells us that the City of Sugar Land has refused to allow Marsha Rovai to press assault charges against the two different Republican thugs who shoved her around during a Lampson press conference. You can see the video from an earlier post. So please contact the city here and the police chief here and let it be known that such behavior should be left for the kindergarten playground.

The guy on the right is David Wallace, the mayor of Sugar Land, and he's thrown his hat in the race to fill DeLay's shoes. Some say he's Tom's lucky chosen one. I don't know about all that but it does kind of make you wonder why poor ole' Marsha was denied her rights here in Sugar land. I guess David ought not piss off the local Republican thug base. I don't know about you but I'm rooting for the guy in the middle.

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