In honor the "Mo Fo" and his special election. Tom made him do it.
Houston, TX -- Nick Lampson, candidate for Texas' 22nd Congressional District, released the following statement today in response to reports from the Texas Secretary of State's office that three candidates had already filed for the special election in Congressional District 22 - none of whom were Nick Lampson. Should these multiple candidates become involved in a run-off election in December, the district will be holding an election for a term that could possibly no longer exist as Congress would be leaving session. And the people of this district would end this Congress with no representation.More on the Libertarian press release here.
"I have decided against running in the special election," Lampson said. "This entire process has become a mess thanks to Tom DeLay's attempts to manipulate the system. If the Governor and Tom DeLay had truly been concerned about the interest of Southeast Texans, we would have had this special election back in May. Now we are looking at four special election candidates if I were to run and possibly more by close of business tomorrow. That raises the possibility of run-off that would drag the process into December. Enough is enough. I am not going to put voters through that extra confusion. I am going to focus my attention on the general election and the next full term of Congress. Vote once for Lampson and you're done."
CQ Politics has updated its rating of the CD22 race from "No Clear Favorite" to "Leans Democratic", which makes it "the first House seat being defended this year by the Republicans in which the Democratic nominee is rated as having a clear edge". That's a step in the right direction.Good news yes, but this means the Lampson people will have to work just as hard now that the GOP is running as the underdog. Now, when will the so called promised 3 million arrive from the Washington folks to slime Lampson. My bet is never.
"Gingrich's most recent ex-wife says he ditched her eight months after finding out she had multiple sclerosis. Marianne Gingrich, 48, shopping a book proposal "both personal and political" about how women are treated in D.C., says the ex-speaker of the House told her on Mother's Day 1999 that he wanted a divorce, after learning she had a neurological condition that could lead to MS. In 1981, the former congressman told his other ex-wife, Jackie Battley, that he was dumping her, after she had been hospitalized with cancer. Newt, 57, will wed ex-congressional aide Callista Bisek, 34 -- with whom he had an affair while still married to Marianne -- on Aug. 18. "That oughta scare them terrorists away.
It was Republican Van Taylor, who's running against Democrat Chet Edwards in TX-17.Crooks and Liars has the video. You have to see this.
He's one of a tiny number of challengers the NRCC says they're supporting, and they're already going low against Edwards -- you'll hear Taylor accuse Edwards of not "supporting the troops" even though Edwards is beloved by the military community for work on national veterans issues and his work with the local vets community on things like PTSD. It's a big part of why he survived Tom DeLay's redistricting garbage.
Anyway, you'll see in this clip why so many Iraq vets jumped into politics as Democrats this time around while Van Taylor is the lone Iraq vet running for Congress as a Republican. The contrast between Taylor's regurgitated Ken Mehlman talking points and Paul Hackett's heartfelt, passionate outrage is just shocking. And you'll see the same kind of sincerity from Tammy Duckworth and Patrick Murphy on our side. If you've never seen Paul Hackett before, you're in for a real treat and will soon realize why he instantaneously gained so much respect in the blogosphere.
Just wanted to expand upon what happened. Matthews started by going to Taylor, asking him about Iraq. Taylor says that we must stay in Iraq because we have to stop Al Qaeda. He walks right into Matthews' trap, saying that Al Qaeda made a decision to go to Iraq, leaving Matthews to say "so if we didn't go into Iraq, they wouldn't be there." Matthews then hits him, wondering why what we're seeing on our TV screens (even though we're not really seeing it), where 3,100 Iraqis are dying a month, and no more than 5% can be attributed to Al Qaeda. Taylor couldn't respond. Hackett jumps in with "what you're seeing is a civil war. The US military has done every single thing they can do from a military standpoint. Hackett then asked "Where's the six-foot-two, left-handed guy with the flowing white robe and the kidney problem? (Taylor) doesn't understand the war on terror." It just got worse from there.Capitol Annex has the transcript of the interview.
President Bush is confident of ultimate success in Iraq, and he is patiently waiting for its achievement. I'm certain that unicorns exist, and I'm willing to hang around till they show up in my yard. We may both be deluded, but my delusion is a good deal less costly than his.America has woken up to the big lie...
The poll number falls even further every time bubbleboy opens his mouth...Just 35 percent of 1,033 adults polled say they favor the war in Iraq; 61 percent say they oppose it -- the highest opposition noted in any CNN poll since the conflict began more than three years ago.
Bush served notice at a news conference that he would not change course or flinch from debate about the unpopular war as he campaigns for Republicans in the fall congressional elections. In fact, he suggested that national security and the economy should be the top political issues, and criticized the Democrats' approach on both.61% of America opposes the war in Iraq. Our prez seems to think Democrats are the only opposers (opposers=Bushism)of the war. If you take his logic, for what it's worth, 61% of the country are true and blue Democrats. I'll take that any day.
Many Democrats want to leave Iraq "before the job is done," the president said. "I can't tell you exactly when it's going to be done," he said, but "if we ever give up the desire to help people who live in freedom, we will have lost our soul as a nation, as far as I'm concerned."
Nick has a long family history in Texas's 22nd congressional district. His grandparents came to this country from Italy and settled in Stafford, Texas nearly 100 years ago, where they had farms and were founding members of their church. Nick's parents grew up, met and married in Fort Bend County, and the Lampson children spent a great deal of time on their grandparents' farms working the fields and learning what it meant to be part of a community larger than themselves.Visit Lampson.com to learn more of his campaign on how to become a volunteer.
Nick was one of six children born to a welder and a homemaker. His father passed away when he was 12 years old, and Nick took his first job at that young age sweeping floors to supplement the family's income. Nick's mother received $19 dollars per month from Social Security, as long as Nick stayed in school. This money helped his family stay together in those difficult years, and Nick has been a steadfast voice for protecting Social Security throughout his time in government. Nick is married to wife, Susan. They have two grown children, and three grandchildren.
Should I stay or should I go now?Which will it be? Stay tuned Monday.
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know
About 25 percent of American workers in the private sector do not get any paid vacation time, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. Another 33 percent will take only a seven-day vacation, including a weekend.Found in NY Times a few weeks ago.
With an eye on political reality, President Bush is spending just 10 nights at his ranch, rather than the whole month of August.
...some politicians fear that asking people who have no ID about their legal status might intimidate all illegals into not reporting crimes. This policy of appeasement must be stopped. Police need the authority to hold persons who do not have proper identification until federal immigration authorities can check them out and warrant checks can be run.My wife sometimes complains that I'm a bit forgetful and the fact I'm hispanic concerns me. I guess I could purchase a wallet chain but then she would never go out with me in public. But then again, I'll just make sure Nick Lampson wins!
RATINGS CHANGE: TX-22 Open (DeLay) moves from Toss-Up to Lean D. Winning a write-in campaign is hard enough, but squabbling among Republicans in the district means that there may not be a consensus candidate for the national and state party to rally around. While this district retains a good Republican advantage – and there’s always room to be surprised in politics – the benefit of the doubt now goes to Democrat Nick Lampson.The Cook Political Report is a non-partisan, online analysis of electoral politics.
Before redistricting, parts of District 22 were held by Congressman Ron Paul. Paul once ran for president as the Libertarian Party candidate. While currently elected as a Republican in the 14th District, Paul’s libertarian ideology and Libertarian Party association are well known. As there is significant overlap between the former and current district boundaries, many voters in the 22nd District have already voted for a candidate who runs on a libertarian platform.Huh? The problem is Ron Paul ran as a Republican and didn't have Libertarian next to his name in the polling booth.
I know HTML and CSS, but that’s it (no PHP, no Javascript, no Flash). I could rearrange his current content better and make it look cleaner, but that’s about it. I suppose that would be a start.Chris from the Libertarian Party had this remark though...
Nick Lampson has flash and integrated video and his pages aren’t static HTML (they use Javascript and probably other stuff I don’t understand). A page like this should be the ultimate goal, I think.
What we really need is to ship in Libertarians into CD-22 to walk prectincts and convince then that people are going to get more by having Smithers in Congress than Lampson or a write-in candidate. The Republicans and Democrats do this effectively…we should too!
A federal judge ruled Thursday that the government's warrantless wiretapping program is unconstitutional and ordered an immediate halt to it.
U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit became the first judge to strike down the National Security Agency's program, which she says violates the rights to free speech and privacy as well as the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution.
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove should know better, but it's no surprise they don't. For almost five years now, every time they've got their backs to the wall politically, they play "the fear card." The latest example: Dick Cheney claiming that Democratic candidates who dare to challenge the Bush White House on Iraq are "emboldening terrorists."See, I told ya so.
What's worse, and startling, is that in Connecticut Joe Lieberman is now echoing their intolerable rhetoric attacking the Democratic Senate nominee.
It won't work. We won't let it work.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, who continuously decries the bitter partisanship in Washington, implied this week that Democratic success in November's election could result in terrorist attacks on America.
Hatch was quoted in Tuesday's Tooele Transcript Bulletin as saying Middle East terrorists are "waiting for the Democrats here to take control, let things cool off and then strike again."
Unconfirmed sources report that disgraced political veterans Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff have announced their intention to make a run for the presidency in 2008. The pair has already launched an exploratory campaign committee and is incredibly well funded. Do these two have a tough up hill battle, yes, but smart political types would never count Tom Delay out until the cell door slamsA right wingers dream come true! I wonder if David Wallace will announce as a write-in candidate here as well. Go David Go!
If we want to send another Republican packing on Election Day, our best opportunity here in Texas will be in the 14th Congressional District, and the man we need to put in office is our own Texroots candidate, Shane Sklar.Visit BOR this week to learn why Shane Sklar is running the most important congressional race in Texas
He knows the issues. He knows the people. He knows what it takes to win. Over the course of the next week, I hope to convince you that Shane Sklar is running the most important congressional race in Texas. So let's get started.
An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted this week found the president's approval rating has dropped to 33 percent, matching his low in May. His handling of nearly every issue, from the Iraq war to foreign policy, contributed to the president's decline around the nation, even in the Republican-friendly South.
More sobering for the GOP are the number of voters who backed Bush in 2004 who are ready to vote Democratic in the fall's congressional elections - 19 percent. These one-time Bush voters are more likely to be female, self-described moderates, low- to middle-income and from the Northeast and Midwest.
Two years after giving the Republican president another term, more than half of these voters - 57 percent - disapprove of the job Bush is doing.
Indicted former U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader Tom DeLay said on Tuesday he will not run for his former seat in Congress even though federal courts have ruled his name cannot be removed from the November ballot.I wonder how many of the edumacated in District 22 will still write Tom DeLay? I predict allot. It I had a vote I would:
"Earlier this year I resigned from the U.S. House of Representatives and became a resident of the state of Virginia, to establish my new business, and where I now legally reside, pay taxes and vote," DeLay said in a statement.
"This decision was and is irrevocable, which I made clear from Day One," DeLay said.
DeLay said he would act to remove himself from the race for the 22nd Texas congressional district in suburban Houston and encouraged the Texas Republican Party to offer up a candidate to challenge the Democratic nominee ex-Rep. Nick Lampson.
While the Republican Party cannot replace DeLay's name on the ballot, they can organize a campaign to write in another candidate. Reuters
The write-in candidate has not been chosen, but Republican officials in Washingtonsaid they have a good chance of retaining the seat if it is a credible candidate like a mayor, judge or state legislator. Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace has expressed interest in running. Write-in candidates have until Aug. 29 to apply for a slot on the ballot. National Republicans are prepared to put money into the write-in campaign if a promising candidate is found. "You can buy name ID," said a Republican official, using campaign shorthand for making a candidate well known in the district.
But the notion of a write-in campaign drew a different reaction in Texas. "This would be met with ridicule and scorn," said Bill Miller, a Republican consultant with close ties to the state's GOP legislative leadership. "This strategy would be like handing the seat to the Democrats on a silver platter," Miller said. "Tom Delay will be remembered for the craziest end to his political career."
Miller said it is arrogant to think voters will support a write-in gambit. "Anointing a candidate never works," Miller said. "Voters are likely to say, 'The hell with 'em' and write in their own name, their kid's name." Plus, if his name remained on the ballot,it is likely DeLay would attract some of the vote away from the write-in candidate.
In an interesting twist, a law passed last year by a Republican-controlled state congress designed to hamstring Ted Strickland may prevent Joy Padgett from replacing Bob Ney on the ballot.Hat tip to OH-12.
WASHINGTON -- Texas Republicans on Monday abandoned their court fight to replace former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on the November ballot after being turned back at the Supreme Court.
The decision came after Justice Antonin Scalia rejected Texas Republicans' request to block an appeals court ruling saying DeLay's name should remain on the ballot.
"I think all our legal avenues are exhausted," said lawyer Jim Bopp, who argued the GOP case to allow party officials to substitute another candidate.
Also available is the 4 foot by 4 foot highway sign which is definitely going up at my business. Muse and Hal have more. Bryan explains why the democrats will win this year. Good work all!This is a yard sign. It needs adopting. For a mere $10 donation to Fort Bend Democrats, I will write your name and hometown on the bottom of this sign with a felt-tip marker and plant it safely in the yard of a local Democrat. For many people here, it's the first time they've seen the word "Democratic." For a $20 donation, I will plant the sign, take a picture of it and email you the picture and name of the street where the sign is.
The Fort Bend County district attorney said Matthews violated his probation in three specific ways -- excessively drinking, not completing a counseling program and using the Internet in a manner inconsistent with conditions of his probation.
Restrictions for Matthews' probation included:
to register as a sex offender
to have no contact with the victim or any other children
to keep at least 1,000 feet away from schools, playgrounds and any other place children gather
to perform 160 hours of community service
Matthews resigned from KSEV AM shortly after his indictment.
"The Republican Party of Texas intends to expeditiously appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court," said party Chair Tina Baker in a release, "the 5th Circuit's decision to force Tom DeLay, an ineligible candidate for Congress, to stay on the ballot in Texas Congressional District 22 as the Republican nominee."Grab the popcorn because this may take a while. Just what are they thinking.
Two of the Pentagon's most senior generals conceded to Congress on Thursday that the surge in sectarian violence in Baghdad in recent weeks means Iraq may descend into civil war.In the meantime, Rummy continues with his deception to the few who still believe him. Remember this:
"Iraq could move toward civil war" if the violence is not contained, Gen. John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
"I believe that the sectarian violence is probably as bad as I have seen it," he said, adding that the top priority in Iraq is to secure the capital, where factional violence has surged in recent weeks despite efforts by the new Iraqi government to stop the fighting.